LORIS Announcements 

Best Paper Award from the IEEE Data Storage Society

Best Paper Award from the IEEE Data Storage Society

Our research team has been recognized with the 2018-2019 Best Student Paper Award from the IEEE Data Storage Society for the paper: A. Hareedy, C. Lanka, N. Guo, and L. Dolecek, “A Combinatorial Methodology for Optimizing Non-Binary Graph-Based Codes: Theoretical...

New NSF Funding on Quantum Information Systems

New NSF Funding on Quantum Information Systems

NSF funds our new project titled "Towards full photon utilization by adaptive modulation and coding on quantum links". This project is developed in collaboration with Prof. Chee Wei Wong (UCLA) and Prof. Emina Soljanin (Rutgers). For more information, see NSF release...

Prof. Dolecek is a Program Chair at NVMW 2021

Prof. Dolecek is a Program Chair at NVMW 2021

Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW) traditionally brings together scientists and engineers from industry and academia who are working on advanced non-volatile storage devices and systems.  The workshop facilitates the exchange of ideas, insights, and knowledge...